Legionella in air conditioning – the bacteria that causes Legionnaires’ disease

The cure for hot days is a bit of coolness, is air conditioning a good solution?
Does it hide a danger invisible to the naked eye?
How is it possible that in a device that is supposed to bring benefits hides a dangerous adversary.
All thanks to the Legionella pneumophilia bacteria .

Legionnaires’ disease

Let’s start at the beginning, what exactly is Legionnaires’ disease, where it comes from, where it is most often encountered.
The answer to these questions is very simple, but hides a lot of important information that in the future can protect each of us from acute pneumonia and, consequently, even death.
Legionellosis is an infection that is caused by the bacteria Legionella pneumophilia, as a result of contact with the pathogen , an infected person faces mild respiratory problems and even severe pneumonia.
The bacterium can cause the Legionnaires’ disease heard by many people and the lesser-known Pontiac fever. The sudden appearance of the bacterium is remembered in history by a famous event, in the 1970s.
In the 1970s, to be precise, in 1976, on the anniversary of the signing of the United States Declaration of Independence, pneumonia was observed in the participants of the American Legion convention in Philadelphia.
221 people fell ill, among them 34 sadly suffered death.
The investigation, which was conducted by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, determined that the bacterium that caused the illnesses was Legionella pneumophila.
The pathogen, which thrived extensively in the hotel’s air conditioning system, led to this widespread illness.
The bacterium got its name in honor of the memorable convention, and the disease is called Legionellosis. Conducting in-depth research, after many investigations, it was found that the bacterium had appeared before.
The disease is very dangerous, but the human body copes with the bacterium to a certain extent, after contact with the pathogen antibodies are produced, only in some cases severe symptoms of legionellosis appear (it is estimated that 5-30% of people suffering from Legionnaires’ disease die).
Many studies have proven that Legionella is spread through the air from water and from the soil.
The disease is not transmitted from person to person, but through inhalation of water-air aerosol, the pathogen cannot be infected by drinking water contaminated with it.

Occurrence of bacteria

Where can you encounter the bacterium?
Contrary to appearances, it is very widespread, and can be encountered in streams, ponds, reservoirs, hot water systems, shower strainers, whirlpools, medical equipment, home inhalers, air conditioners and even in soil from pits.
Favorable conditions are, of course, high humidity, temperature (35-45oC), stagnant water, the presence of iron and calcium ions, and poor disinfection.
Countries with a high level of development are eager to use technological innovations, among them air conditioners, they can be found in offices, hotels, homes and in cars it is rather standard, these are devices that have particularly good conditions for the growth of bacteria.
The increase in the number of diseases is particularly noticeable in the summer, where there are high temperatures and air conditioning is increasingly used.
The bacterium is spread through the inhalation of water-air aerosol, the most common sufferers are immunocompromised people, especially men over 40, as well as those dealing with medical conditions such as diabetes, kidney failure, excess iron, heart disease.
Patients who have led a poor lifestyle, smoked and drank alcohol also react negatively to the bacteria.
A big influence on the degree of infection is the frequency of travel, the more frequent the trips the easier it is to become infected with the bacteria.

Symptoms of legionellosis

Legionellosis is an insidious disease that can produce a variety of symptoms, depending on which variety it takes, there is a pulmonary form (Legionnaires’ disease) and extrapulmonary forms (including mild Pontiac fever and severe extrapulmonary form).
Pontiac fever takes on symptoms similar to those of traditional influenza, such as loss of appetite, headache, muscle aches and fatigue, dry cough, abdominal pain, diarrhea may occur.
Symptoms disappear after only a few days. Legionnaires’ disease is a severe inflammation of the lungs, the early stage resembles ordinary flu, but as the disease progresses additional symptoms appear high temperature, chills, dry cough.
The later stage brings new symptoms like wet cough with sputum and even blood, shortness of breath, chest pains, disturbance of consciousness.
Lasting up to several weeks, there is a risk of acute respiratory failure and even death as a consequence.
Acute extrapulmonary insufficiency most often occurs in immunocompromised people, the brain, intestines, liver, kidneys, skin are most often infected.
Too late recognition of the disease can lead to irreversible damage, sepsis and, at the worst stage, even death.

Air conditioning vs Legionella

Prevention is the most important, many diseases can be prevented, and this is also the case with legionellosis.
In this case, the most important thing is cleanliness, pay attention to water bodies, remove rust from equipment and drains.
Fountains or contaminated swimming pools are also a big habitat, avoid inhaling water aerosol.
What about air conditioning?
Today, these devices work in a great many places, so it is important to clean air conditioning and disinfect it with preparations with the broadest spectrum of action.
It is important that air conditioning cleaning and disinfecting preparations are tested for effectiveness against Legionella pneumophilia, in the shortest possible time.
Both in the case of HVAC systems in private buildings (houses, apartments), in commercial buildings (beauty salons, medical offices, stores, etc.) industrial, institutional (including offices, schools), as well as any vehicles (e.g., cars, trucks, public transport vehicles), it is recommended to maintain and clean air conditioning AND ventilation equipment at least once a year, and preferably twice in spring and autumn.
As average users, we can influence the cleanliness of air conditioning equipment in our own home or car.
We can do it ourselves or have a professional air conditioning cleaning, de-fumigation and disinfection performed by an authorized air conditioning service.
Note that air-conditioned vehicles like buses, cabs, and public buildings are also large habitats for bacteria.
Therefore, service companies should also make sure that the environment used by their customers is kept clean and creates safe conditions not only during the summer, but all year round.
Legionella in air conditioners in buildings is a difficult opponent, in order to counteract it already at the stage of designing the installation, attention should be paid to the location of the various devices.
It is worth trying to ensure that the materials used do not promote the growth of pathogens, and, importantly, that the user has easy access to disinfection and maintenance.
Proper use is the key to success, it is worth paying attention to the appropriate humidity of the air that flows through the exchanger, this gives to some extent a chance to prevent the accumulation of biological microorganisms.
Control and treatment of the water used in the equipment is very important, maintainers should take care to remove scale and eliminate corrosion.
Disinfectant, for many people is a salvation, but what to choose so that it performs its function properly?
What to pay attention to?
First of all, whether the preparation can be used in air conditioning systems at all, otherwise the device may be damaged.
Then it should be a biocidal preparation with a full biocidal spectrum, that is, that it removes all microorganisms: viruses, bacteria including Legionella pneumophilia, fungi, mycobacteria and bacterial spores.
Efficacy should be confirmed by tests according to European EN standards.
The preparation should be non-toxic, biodegradable and also have the appropriate approvals and certificates that ensure safe use, of course, as recommended.
All these features are possessed by the NANOCLEAN® AIR range of preparations. The development of civilization makes more and more devices appear in the environment, these are additional points where harmful pathogens can accumulate.
Nowadays it is worthwhile to think carefully about your actions, take care of hygiene and disinfection.
It is worth paying attention to the selection of appropriate equipment, which has an efficient air filtration system, this gives you a chance to have clean air, and the temperature and humidity of the room will be optimally adapted to the person.
However, do not forget that all such equipment and appliances need to be seasonally cleaned and disinfected, and replace filters when the manufacturer recommends it.
No one will take better care of your equipment than an authorized air conditioning service that uses the NANOCLEAN® AIR range of products.
Inspection, maintenance, cleaning, disinfection is a very important element that can protect many people from the dangerous Legionella pneumophilia bacteria and other dangerous microorganisms.

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